
Your gateway to cross-chain activity.

The GlacisRouter smart contract acts as the on-chain interface for all cross-chain activity with Glacis.

You can discover the source smart contract GlacisRouter.sol in this repository.

The Route Function

The main function in GlacisRouter is route, which sends a cross-chain message. It returns a bytes32 messageId and a uint256 nonce:

        uint256 chainId,
        bytes32 to,
        bytes memory payload,
        address[] memory adapters,
        GlacisRouter.CrossChainGas[] memory fees,
        address refundAddress,
        bool retryable)
returns(bytes32 messageId, uint256 nonce)
Parameter NameParameter Description

uint256 chainId

The Glacis ID of the blockchain that you wish to send a message to

address to

The address of the destination contract that you are sending a message to

bytes memory payload

The payload of data that you wish to send to the destination contract

address[] memory adapters

GlacisRouter.CrossChainGas[] memory fees

An array of fees that correspond to the amount provided to each adapter. This is a parallel array to the adapters parameter. The sum of the "nativeCurrencyValue" must be equal to the value sent with this function

address refundAddress

The address to which excess native currency is sent to if an adapter deems that the user overpaid

bool retriable

Whether to allow the message to be retried (stores owner of the message ID on-chain, slightly more gas expensive)


To represent how adapters require gas, we have created the CrossChainGas struct, located within the GlacisCommons contract.

struct CrossChainGas {
        uint128 gasLimit;
        uint128 nativeCurrencyValue;
Parameter NameParameter Description

uint128 gasLimit

A desired destination chain gas limit. Required by some adapters, and ignored by others

uint128 nativeCurrencyValue

The amount of source chain value to be forwarded to an adapter. Different GMPs require different fees

The Retry Route

There is an additional route function variant:

	uint256 chainId,
	address to,
        bytes memory payload,
        address[] memory adapters,
        GlacisRouter.CrossChainGas[] memory fees,
        address refundAddress,
        bytes32 messageId,
        uint256 nonce)
returns(bytes32, uint256)

This route cannot be used for original cross-chain messages. Instead, it is used to retry a cross-chain message with an identical message ID and identical data (but potentially through a different GMP). For example, an original message was sent through Axelar but is now being retried via Wormhole.

This can be helpful in cases where a message is somehow lost by a GMP's consensus mechanism or its relayers. An identical message would be sent, and whichever message arrives after the first will revert.

Two additional parameters are required with this function:

Parameter NameParameter Description

bytes32 messageId

The Glacis message ID of the original message

uint256 nonce

The nonce of the message, which can be retrieved in the original message's event log

Only the original message sender can retry a message, no other address can do it on their behalf. The original message must have been sent with its "retryable" parameter as true. Identical data must be provided.


These are the read-only functions in GlacisRouter, but most developers won't use them:

Function SignatureFunction Description

glacisAdapters(uint8) returns(address)

Returns the address of the adapter contract for the specific GMP ID input

sourceAdapterToGMP(address) returns(uint8)

Returns the GMP ID of the adapter at the specified address. Returns 0 if no such adapter exists

validateGlacisMessageId(bytes32 messageId, uint256 toChainId, address to, uint256 nonce) returns(bool)

Returns true if the combination of chain ID, address, msg.sender, and message nonce result in the same messageId You can use the JSON-RPC method eth_call to simulate any msg.sender if you wish to use this in your application


Returns the message sender of a specific message ID


It also includes the following errors, some of which you may encounter:

Error NameError Description


Occurs when routing, and the GMP ID provided is not supported on this chain


Occurs when routing, and the adapter of the GMP ID does not exist


Occurs when retrying a message route, when the message ID that is attempting to be retried was not originally sent by the current message sender


Occurs when trying to call a function that only a Glacis GMP Adapter can call


Occurs when retrying a message route, when the message input was not identical to the original


Occurs when a message is received, and the client contract does not accept messages from the sender address, origin chain, and/or GMP

GlacisRouter__ImpossibleGMPId(uint8 gmpId)

Occurs when a message is received, and the GMP ID is not supported


Occurs when a message is received, and the same message has already been received from that GMP


Occurs when a message is received, and the Glacis message ID contained in the header does not pass verification


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